Common phrases
Commonly used phrases are often shortened versions of a longer sentence. Or they might be leftovers from some old grammar that has otherwise fallen out of use. That means that their grammar might appear strange.
For now, just learn them like you would learn a long word.
Wie geht's?
There are many ways to ask someone how they are doing. Take "How are
you?," "How do you do?" and "How is it going?" as examples. In German,
the common phrase or idiom uses the verb gehen (go): Wie geht es dir? (How are you?).
This can be shortened to Wie geht's?.
Willkommen can be a false friend
In German, Willkommen means welcome as in "Welcome to our
home", but it does not mean welcome as in "Thank you - You're welcome".
The German for the latter is Gern geschehen (or just Gern!) or Keine Ursache.
Sometimes, German words can be a mouthful. Later on, you will find
that you can take long words apart, and recognize the meaning from their
Here's an example:
Part |
Meaning |
ent- |
de- |
Schuld |
guilt |
-ig |
-y |
-gung |
noun suffix |
So, Entschuldigung literally means something like "deguiltification": "Take the guilt away from me" :)
Duo is the name of Duolingo's mascot (the green owl). He
will guide you through this course. If you make him happy, he will make
you happy :)
der Sänger: 01-02-20
1. Entschuldigung. Excuse me! - 2. In Ordnung. Danke. Alright. Thanks. - 3. Nein, keine Ahnung. No, no idea! - 4. Nein, tschüss. No, bye! - 5. Entschuldigung. Sorry. - 6. Danke. Gern geschehen. Thanks, you are welcome. - 7. Gern geschehen. You're welcome. - 8. In Ordung. Alright. - 9. Gern geschehen. You're welcome. - 10. I'm sorry. Es tut mir leid. - 11. Nein, Entschuldigung. No, I am sorry. - 12. No, bye. Nein, tschüss. - 13. Guten Tag, willkommen. Hello, welcome! - 14. No, no idea! Nein, keineAhnung. - 15. Tschüss, Paul. Bye, Paul. - 16. Sorry. Es tut mir leid. Entschuldigung. - 17. I am doing well. Es geht mir gut. - 18. I'm sorry. Es tut mir leid. - 19. Yes, I am sorry. Ja, es tut mir leid. - 20. No, I am sorry. Nein, es tut mir leid. Nein, Entschuldigung! - 21. Danke. Gern geschehen. Thanks, you are welcome. -
• der
Sänger, singer, noun. - a.
Ich bin Sänger: I'm a singer: I'm a singer. b.
männlicher Sänger: male singer; c.
Opernsänger: opera singer.
beantworten, to answer, verb. -
Bitt beantworte sofort meine Frage:
Answer my question immediately, please.
22. Nein, leider. No, unfortunately. - 23. Guten Abend! Wie geht's? Good evening! How are you doing? How's it going? - 24. Alles klar, bis morgen. All right, see you tomorrow! - 25. Ja, bis morgen. Yes, see you tomorrow. - 26. Guten Abend, wie geht's? Good evening! How's it going? - 27. Ja, leider. Yes, unfortunately. - 28. Ja, genau. yes, exactly! - 29. How are you? Wie geht es dir? - 30. Ja, alles klar. Yes, all right! - 31. All right. Alles klar. Schon gut! - 32. Bis später. See you later. - 33. Good evening! How's it going? Guten Abend! Wie geht es dir? Wie geht's? - 34. Ja, bis morgen. Yes, see you tomorrow. - 35. Good afternoon, how are you? Guten Tag, wie geht's? - 36. Danke, bis später. Thanks, wee you later! - 37. Yes, exactly. Ja, genau. - 38. Bis später! See you later! - 39. I beg your pardon? Wie bitte? - 40. Unfortunately, yes. Leider, ja. - 41. Yes, please. Ja, bitte. - 42. Good afternoon. how are you? Guten Tag, wie geht's? - 43. I beg you pardon? Wie bitte? -
44. Entschuldigung. Sorry. - 45. I'm sorry. Es tut mir leid. - 46. Gern geschehen. You're welcome. - 47. Yes, I am sorry. Ja, es tut mir leid. - 48. Gern geschehen. You're welcome! - 49. I am doing well. Es geht mir gut. - 50. Nein, Entschuldigung. No, I am sorry. - 51. I'm sorry. Es tut mir leid. - 52. Guten Tag, willkommen. Hello, welcome! - 53. No, no idea! Nein, keine Ahnung! - 54. Nein, keine Ahnung! No, no idea! - 55. No, I am sorry! Nein, es tut mir leid. - 56. In Ordnung, danke! Alright. Thank you. - 57. Excuse me! Entschuldigung. - 58. Danke, gern geschehen. Thanks. You are welcome. - 59. Yes, I am doing well. Ja, mir geht's gut. - 60. In Ordnung. Alright. - 61. Sorry, no idea! Entschuldigung, keine Ahnung! - 62. Yes, see you soon! Ja, bis bald. - 63. Hello, good evening. Hallo, Guten Abend. -